Hopes & Dreams & Money (one of these things is not like the other)

Here’s the deal. Mad King Thomas is working our three asses off to TOUR OUR DANCES next year. Target cities are Albuquerque, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland (in order of likelihood).  We chose these cities for a lot of reasons, but mostly because they won’t have four feet of snow (sorry, Duluth.)

Touring is exciting because our dances are best LIVE. You know how some musicians kind of suck on recordings, but make your fibers tingle when you hear them live? It’s sort of like that. We’re working on our studio skills (by which I mean we’re learning how to get good footage), but in the meantime, it’s time to take this show on the road! As part of “touring”, we want to:

  • Give workshops! And take workshops too!
  • Spread the awesomeness gospel!
  • Go on bike rides in cities all over the US!
  • Make site-specific dances and put them on YouTube!
  • Perform our dances, alongside the work of some other fantastic local people!

But it turns out touring is expensive. You have to get to the place, you have to sleep somewhere, and eat, and pay for venue costs, and nobody comes to the shows because they’re like, “Who the fuck is Mad King Thomas?” and then you have to buy beer after the shows because you are sad that nobody came.  Which is why we’re asking you, today, to help us by donating a little bit of cash at this page:

Online fundraising for Mad King Thomas

If you give today, we get 98% of the money donated. Tomorrow & ever after we get only 90%, so it’s slightly more efficient to give today.

Thank you for any money you may give, and thank you also for reading our blog even if you DON’T have money to give. If you have connections in any of our tour cities, let us know! We’re still looking for venues, places to stay, bicycles to ride, and more!
